Thursday, September 01, 2005

Rain, rain, go away!

Finally, the rain has come to an end, but the people down south are facing much more serious problems. I could honestly never imagine myself going through a hurricane and trying to start over again. My prayers and thoughts are with them. This is one of those events where people question why God allowed something this horrible to happen and sometimes I don't know what to say. I don't think God did it to punish those people, but it happened and now they have to join together to overcome the trials that they are going to go through. I don't think that I will ever forget the images I have seen of the damage and the stranded people and the children clinging to adults, but I will also never forget the amazing power that God has. I think that events like this help us to refocus and regroup and remember what is really important in life.

"I can only imagine........."


Blogger Dana said...

Hey girl,

I've been watching all the stuff on TV about Katrina and I can hardly stop crying. My prayer is that people will see Christians all over the world reaching out and many will come to know God because of it.

I meant to ask you about something... Lindsey had asked me about taking them to this God's Girls trip. I think it's in Pittsburg.. Anyway, it's the weekend of Oct. 8th. That's the weekend that we're going to the Zoe conference so I'm not going to be able to do it. I told her that I would mention it to you. So, there, it's mentioned. It's kind of late to plan something but I do want to try to find some kind of girls thing to take them to soon.

Well, we're leaving in the morning for vacation we'll be back next Friday. Talk to you again soon.

I love you,


7:48 AM  

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